We'll remember the 21st day of September with a milestone birthday of someone in need of less than no introduction.

I know I've covered him a trillion times before, but I checked and it's been 7 years so we can consider the statute of repetition limitations expired for someone of this import and artistic pedigree.

That said, I wasn't going to go back to him on here, but I found and restored a concert that doesn't really circulate properly and transformed it into a somewhat more efficacious state, so here we are.

He was an award-winning poet in his native Canada before branching off and beginning his one-man assault on the Tower of Song in the 1960s.

Using the Flamenco techniques he had dabbled in when he had briefly studied guitar, he molded his words into tunes and before too long, he was considered by many as gifted a songwriter as had ever done it.

When he finally passed in 2016 at 82 -- he died the day before Trump was elected, so he must have known it was as good a time as any to depart this realm -- he was thought of by a whole lot of folks as the greatest songwriter of all time.

In fact, were he to show up at the record company today, they'd tell him his songs didn't talk enough about wanting to be famous and they'd call security and have him removed.

Sad reality part two: the people you hear on the radio today could not author one single composition that could carry the water weight of a single, solitary Leonard Cohen song, were those people to live to be 10,000 years old.

You can bet your last dollar that the CIA/Mossad chucklefucks that run the "music industry" like it just that way, too, as it leaves more impressionable and talentless candidates available for the kid-diddling Kompromat they intend when it's like that, seen?

Too many Leonard Cohens around and before you know it, you might have a population that might be inspired enough by music and its ability to transmit world-altering messages to cast off the chains of their oppressors, and we cannot have that, can we?

Nope, it's better for the serfs of the ruling classes to be inundated with a billion Doja Cats and whoever the next here today, gone later today Autotuna is on the hook right this minute, I'm afraid.

That's OK, because we're venturing into the heart of Mossad territory for this show, and Lenny gonna lay down his Blues for the Jews no matter what malfeasance -- even exploding pagers and cellphones! --- the spooklets drifting around like terror tumbleweeds care to cook up.

Leonard Cohen
Mann Auditorium
Habimah Square
Tel Aviv, Israel
01 Bird On the Wire
02 Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
03 Who By Fire
04 The Gypsy's Wife
05 Passin' Through
06 Lover, Lover, Lover
07 The Guests
08 Suzanne
09 The Stranger Song
10 Chelsea Hotel #2
11 The Partisan
12 Famous Blue Raincoat
13 Lady Midnight
14 So Long, Marianne
15 Memories
16 Sisters of Mercy
17 Seems So Long Ago, Nancy
18 Diamonds In the Mine
Total time: 1:50:34
disc break goes after Track 08
this is likely the complete concert
Leonard Cohen - guitar, recorder & vocals
Roscoe Beck - bass
John Bilezikjian - oud & mandolin
Bill Ginn - keyboards & accordion
Raffi Hakopian - violin
Steve Meador - drums & percussion
Paul Ostermayer - reeds & winds
Mitch Watkins - guitar
Sharon Robinson - vocals
Jennifer Warnes - vocals
Tracks 01-15:
spectral analysis is lossless to 20 kHz, meaning this likely originates from preFM reels of indeterminate origin
sourced from the unauthorized 2016 digital fileset "The Legendary FM Broadcasts," on the Radioland label
re-edited, repaired, denoised and remastered -- with repeating material eliminated and tracks joined to flow properly -- by EN, September 2024
Tracks 16-18:
audio captured from a 320/48k HD YouTube file
seemingly sourced from a master off-air FM capture of unknown origin
captured, repaired & remastered to match preceding remainder by EN, September 2024
721 MB FLAC/direct link
721 MB FLAC/direct link

Like I was saying, I went to Leonard Cohen again because any performance of his that doesn't adequately circulate needs to, especially in a form way more flowing and listenable than the original fileset was set up.