Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre - Morning Prayer (excerpt)

We'll continue backloading March some more, this time with -- surprise, surprise -- another classic Jazz berfday.

This guy, who is criminally unsung, would have been 89 today. I'd have waited for 90, but that's a whole year away!

We'll keep this short because, in keeping with the obscurity quotient, there aren't a whole lotta pix of him.

An original AACM cat, he began in the Free Jazz scene in Chicago in the 1960s and soon got involved playing with other luminaries of that time and place, like Roscoe Mitchell and Muhal Richard Abrams.

It wasn't long before he was leading his own groups and recording seminal platters like Humility In the Light of Creator and Forces and Feelings.

He spent a good deal of the late 1970s and beyond battling addiction issues, but kept playing until he passed away in 2013.

Anyway I have always wanted to put him on here, so today's the day to celebrate the tremendous Maurice McIntyre, whom the world knew simply as Kalaparusha.

Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre
Europe 1976/1977
01 unidentified medley & improvisations
Kalaparusha & The Light
Jazztage 1976, Berlin DE 11.4.1976
Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre - tenor saxophone & clarinet
Juma Sultan - bass, african drums, horns, congas & percussion
John Betsch - drums
320/48k audio of indeterninate origin sourced from an HD YouTube file
spectral analysis is lossless to and stops at 15 kHz, so probably from an FM broadcast
converted to 16/44 CD Audio & remastered by EN, March 2025
02 Morning Prayer
Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre Quartet
Jazzpulsations, Nancy FR 10.11.1977
Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre - tenor saxophone
Ahmed Abdullah - trumpet
Brian Smith - bass
Charlie Persip - drums
1st gen cassette of the original ORTF FM broadcast
remastered by EN, March 2025
Total time: 53:54
329 MB FLAC/direct link
329 MB FLAC/direct link
Listening now to his first album on Discogs. Great stuff. Thank you EN!